
The download-file basically is the full versions. But only with the correct installation code, which the customer receives If he buys the program he can use it as light or full version. Otherwise, the program can used as a Demo version.

Download Swiss-Manager Unicode-Version and manual

(Arabic / Armenian / Croatian / Czech / English / French / German / Greek / Hebrew / Hungarian / Indonesian / Italian / Lithuanian / Persian / Polish / Portuguese / Romanian / Russian / Serbian / Slovak / Slovenian / Spanish / Turkish / Vietnamese)

Swiss-Manager Program

Swiss Manager change log

  • The Swiss Manager change log can now be found here:
  • Swiss-Manager Manuals

    Swiss-Manager User Guides

    Other Help Files

    Swiss-Manager Videos

    Older handbooks (not recommended to use)

    Download Rating-Lists

    • The FIDE-ratinglist can easy updated with the menue item "internet/Update FIDE-ratinglist" direct from the FIDE homepage.
    • Tip: It is possible to import a (national) ratinglist on basis of an Excelfiles. A sample Excel-file is available on my Homepage under Further information in sheet "help" in the sample-File.