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If you want to buy the program:
Fill out the form below and submit it.
Then I send you the invoice (with the necessary information for the payment) as a signed PDF file by mail.
After payment I send you the installation code with appropriate instructions by email.
Terms of use
1a) The program is to be used exclusively for chess tournaments that are scheduled or held by the customer (or by the chess club of which the customer is member).
1b) Customers (if username is a person) can administrate all tournaments, if they are present personally at the tournament place.
1c) Special for federations: Every user/arbiter needs his own licence.
2) passing on the program or the 15-digit alphanumeric installation code, that the customer gets (for the registration by name) is strictly forbidden.(exception are defined in clause 1).
3) The program can be installed on more PCs/notebooks in harmony of clauses 1 and 2.
4) By the continuous improvements, I can not make any guarantees of the correctness and completeness of the program and its documentation and for any damages resulting from them.
Swiss-Manager order
Afghanistan (AFG)
Aland Islands (ALA)
Albania (ALB)
Algeria (ALG)
American Samoa (ASM)
Andorra (AND)
Angola (ANG)
Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)
Argentina (ARG)
Armenia (ARM)
Aruba (ARU)
Asian Chess Federation (ACF)
Australia (AUS)
Austria (AUT)
Azerbaijan (AZE)
Bahamas (BAH)
Bahrain (BRN)
Bangladesh (BAN)
Barbados (BAR)
Belarus (BLR)
Belgium (BEL)
Belize (BIZ)
Benin Chess Fédération (BEN)
Bermuda (BER)
Bhutan (BHU)
Bolivia (BOL)
Bonaire; Sint Eustatius; Saba (BES)
Bosnia & Herzegovina (BIH)
Botswana (BOT)
Brazil (BRA)
British Indian Ocean Territory (IOT)
British Virgin Islands (IVB)
Brunei Darussalam (BRU)
Bulgaria (BUL)
Burkina Faso (BUR)
Burundi (BDI)
Cambodia (CAM)
Cameroon (CMR)
Canada (CAN)
Cape Verde (CPV)
Catalonia (CAT)
Cayman Islands (CAY)
Central African Republic (CAF)
Chad (CHA)
Chile (CHI)
China (CHN)
Chinese Taipei (TPE)
Colombia (COL)
Comoros Islands (COM)
Confederation of Chess for Americas (CCA)
Cook Islands (COK)
Costa Rica (CRC)
Croatia (CRO)
Cuba (CUB)
Curacao (CUW)
Cyprus (CYP)
Czech Republic (CZE)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD)
Denmark (DEN)
Djibouti (DJI)
Dominica (DMA)
Dominican Republic (DOM)
Ecuador (ECU)
Egypt (EGY)
El Salvador (ESA)
England (ENG)
Equatorial Guinea (GEQ)
Eritrea (ERI)
Estonia (EST)
Ethiopia (ETH)
European Chess Union (ECX)
European Union (EU)
Falkland Islands (FLK)
Faroe Islands (FAI)
Fiji (FIJ)
Finland (FIN)
Former YUG Rep of Macedonia (FRM)
France (FRA)
French Guiana (GUF)
French Polynesia (PYF)
Gabon (GAB)
Gambia (GAM)
Georgia (GEO)
Germany (GER)
Ghana (GHA)
Gibraltar (GIB)
Greece (GRE)
Greenland (GRL)
Grenada (GRN)
Guadeloupe (GLP)
Guam (GUM)
Guatemala (GUA)
Guernsey (GCI)
Guinea (GIN)
Guinea-bissau (GNB)
Guyana (GUY)
Haiti (HAI)
Holy See (VATICAN City State) (VAT)
Honduras (HON)
Hong Kong (HKG)
Hungary (HUN)
Iceland (ISL)
India (IND)
Indonesia (INA)
Iran (IRI)
Iraq (IRQ)
Ireland (IRL)
Isle of Man (IOM)
Isle of Man (IMN)
Israel (ISR)
Italy (ITA)
Ivory Coast (CIV)
Jamaica (JAM)
Japan (JPN)
Jersey (JCI)
Jordan (JOR)
Kazakhstan (KAZ)
Kenya (KEN)
Kiribati (KIR)
Korea Democratic Peoples Republic of (PRK)
Kosovo (KOS)
Kuwait (KUW)
Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)
Laos (LAO)
Latvia (LAT)
Lebanon (LBN)
Lesotho (LES)
Liberia (LBR)
Libya (LBA)
Liechtenstein (LIE)
Lithuania (LTU)
Luxembourg (LUX)
Macau (MAC)
Madagascar (MAD)
Malawi (MAW)
Malaysia (MAS)
Maldives (MDV)
Mali (MLI)
Malta (MLT)
Marshall Islands (MHL)
Martinique (MTQ)
Mauritania (MTN)
Mauritius (MRI)
Mayotte (MYT)
Mexico (MEX)
Micronesia Federated States of (FSM)
Moldova (MDA)
Monaco (MNC)
Mongolia (MGL)
Montenegro (MNE)
Montserrat (MSR)
Morocco (MAR)
Mozambique (MOZ)
Myanmar (MYA)
Namibia (NAM)
Nauru (NRU)
Nepal (NEP)
Netherlands (NED)
Netherlands Antilles (AHO)
New Caledonia (NCL)
New Zealand (NZL)
Nicaragua (NCA)
Niger (NIG)
Nigeria (NGR)
Niue (NIU)
Non-spec Asia Pas Location (AFR)
Norfolk Island (NFK)
North Irland (NIR)
North Macedonia (MKD)
Northern Mariana Islands (MNP)
Norway (NOR)
Oman (OMA)
Online-Tournaments (ONL)
Pakistan (PAK)
Palau (PLW)
Palestine (PLE)
Panama (PAN)
Papua New Guinea (PNG)
Paraguay (PAR)
Peru (PER)
Philippines (PHI)
Poland (POL)
Portugal (POR)
Puerto Rico (PUR)
Qatar (QAT)
Reunion (REU)
Romania (ROU)
Russia (RUS)
Rwanda (RWA)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)
Saint Lucia (LCA)
Saint Martin (MAF)
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines (VIN)
Samoa (WSM)
San Marino (SMR)
Sao Tome and Principe (STP)
Saudi Arabia (KSA)
Scotland (SCO)
Senegal (SEN)
Serbia (SRB)
Seychelles (SEY)
Sierra Leone (SLE)
Singapore (SGP)
Sint Maarten (SXM)
Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SLO)
Solomon Islands (SOL)
Somalia (SOM)
South Africa (RSA)
South Korea (KOR)
South Sudan (SSD)
Spain (ESP)
Sri Lanka (SRI)
St. Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
Sudan (SUD)
Suriname (SUR)
Swaziland (SWZ)
Sweden (SWE)
Switzerland (SUI)
Syria (SYR)
Tajikistan (TJK)
Tanzania (TAN)
Thailand (THA)
Timor-leste (TLS)
Togo (TOG)
Tokelau (TKL)
Tonga (TON)
Trinidad & Tobago (TTO)
Tunisia (TUN)
Turkey (TUR)
Turkmenistan (TKM)
Turks and Caicos Islands (TCA)
Tuvalu (TUV)
Uganda (UGA)
Ukraine (UKR)
United Arab Emirates (UAE)
United States of America (USA)
unknown (XXX)
unknown (YYY)
unknown (ZZZ)
unknown ()
unknown (---)
Uruguay (URU)
US Virgin Islands (ISV)
Uzbekistan (UZB)
Vanuatu (VAN)
Vanuatu (VUT)
Venezuela (VEN)
Vietnam (VIE)
Wales (WLS)
Wallis and Futuna Islands (WLF)
World Federation for Chess Composition (WFC)
Yemen (YEM)
Yugoslavia (SCG)
Zambia (ZAM)
Zimbabwe (ZIM)
Full version (150 Euro)
Light version (75 Euro)
Transfer to my account in Austria
VISA card
Master card
American Express card
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Data for the invoice:
Payment by credit card is handled by the payment system of PayPal. Here you can enter your credit card data. You need no PayPal account.