Changes 2025
Changes 9.1.2025 Build
- Bugfixing for FIDE title determination: Rule 1.4.1.e (In tournaments with pre-determined pairings, a norm must be based on all scheduled rounds.) was not taken into account.
- New button for Single-KO-System-tournaments: "Increase replays to x" in the tournament form.
Changes 7.1.2025 Build
- Bugfixing when importing the Russian rating list (array overflow).
Changes 2024
Changes 26.12.2024 Build
- When creating the TRF16 file for KO systems, only rounds with results are output.
- The Tie-Break [11] (The result(s) of the affected tied players against each other) has been moved to the old/rarely used Tie-Breaks. The Tie-Break [11] was replaced by Tie-Break [81] (Direct Encounter (DE)).
Changes 18.12.2024 Build
- Array overflow during player input with more than 1.000 participants.
Changes 27.11.2024 Build
- The club name was extended from 30 to 40 characters in the rating list. This requires a new import of the rating list, as the structure has changed.
- If there is a Swiss Manager update, a new "Show changes" button will be displayed next to the update information.
- When a new tournament is created, there is now the option "KO system. A description of how it works can be found here: KO-System_SwissManager_ENG.pdf
- Bug fixing when outputting an empty PGN file. The result was incorrectly output as "0-0" instead of "*"
- For non-FIDE tournaments, the starting ranking list can also be re-sorted after the 4th round
- For non-FIDE tournaments, the number of rounds can be entered using the option "Baku Acceleration C.04.5.1".
Changes 9.11.2024 Build
- Bugfixing for the team list in individual Swiss system tournaments.
Changes 8.11.2024 Build
- Bugfixing for team Swiss system tournaments. The sorting for the pairings may have been wrong.
- New checkbox in the options dialog: "Check for Swiss-Manager update" when program starts.
- If the above checkbox is selected, it will be displayed on the desktop if a Swiss-Manager update is available.
- New menu item: "Internet / Check for Swiss-Manager update".
- New menu item: "Internet / Show Swiss-Manager change log".
- Bugfixing (array overflow) when importing the RSA rating list.
Changes 7.11.2024 Build
- Small adjustments to menu item "Other / Rtg. admin. File ENG".
- For Tie-Break "The greater number of wins/games [68]" checkbox "Forfeits will be counted" activated.
- Bugfixing for the team list in individual Swiss system tournaments. The new Tie-Breaks were not taken into account.
Changes 1.11.2024 Build
- Bugfixing when importing the Blitz FIDE rating list. 363 games for one player caused an overflow.
Changes 30.10.2024 Build
- Bugfixing: When exporting an empty PGN file, the results (if already available) were not output.
Changes 23.10.2024 Build
- In individual Swiss system tournaments, the number of rounds was increased from 25 to 30.
- New Tie-Break "Scores and Schedule Strength Combination SSSC" [91] for Team tournaments.
- Bugfixing for Tie-Breaks Wertungen EMMSB, EMGSB, EGMSB, EGGSB, BH:MP in case of Forfeit lost.
- New option for EMMSB, EMGSB, EGMSB and BH:MP Tie-Breaks: Calculate with 3,1,0 instead of 2,1,0 match points.
Changes 13.10.2024 Build
- In the player dialog, if sorted by a column, the sorting is retained when a player is deleted.
- 0-0 is allowed in PGN import (happened at the Chess Olympiad in Budapest (draw before the 30th move)).
- When importing players via XML, you will be asked whether the entered players should be deleted beforehand.
- When importing teams via XML, you will be asked whether the entered teams should be deleted beforehand.
- New import rating list Armenia Youth (Unicode).
- New option in the update ratings/data dialog "Rat old ==> Rtg nat".
- In individual tournaments (Swiss system and round-robin tournaments), the pairing/results list now says White - Black instead of Name - Name.
- Templates adapted for IA1 and FA1. Build ( / 13.10.2024)
- New button "Add 500 to UniqueID". Required if tournaments are merged. Build ( / 13.10.2024)
- New menu item "File / XML Export / Export Teams".
- New menu item "File / XML Export / Export Players".
- New menu item "File / XML Export / Export Team Pairings".
- New menu item "File / XML Export / Export Teamcompositions".
- New menu item "File / XML Export / Export Player Results".
- New menu item "File / XML-Import / Import Team Pairings".
There were problems with the lists. (Build / 6.9.2024)
Tournament Upload extended to database key 9.999.999 (previously 999.999). (Build / 5.9.2024)
For the new FIDE tie-breaks I recommend the following sites: and good examples from Mr. Held
The following Tie-Breaks have been implemented according to the new rules in build (23.08.2024)
- Extended Direct Encounter (EDE) for team-tournaments [81].
- Board Count (BC) for team-tournaments [78]
- Top Board Results (TBR) for team-tournaments [89]
- Bottom Board Elimination (BBE) for team-tournaments [90]
Bugfixing in the "Direct Encounter (DE) Tie-Break [81]" for individual Swiss system tournaments. (Build / 22.07.2024)
Bugfixing for searching in the rating list when also searching for first names. (Build / 01.07.2024)
Bugfixing for the Scheveningen system: result entry did not work in certain cases (Build / 28.06.2024)
Bugfixing in the "Direct Encounter (DE) Tie-Break [81]" for individual Round Robin tournaments. (Build / 06.06.2024)
Bugfixing in the "Direct Encounter (DE) Tie-Break [81]" for individual Swiss system tournaments. (Build / 02.06.2024)
Bugfixing in the "Direct Encounter (DE) Tie-Break [81]" for individual Swiss system tournaments. (Build / 01.06.2024)
Bugfixing for team Swiss system tournaments: The game points for the bye-team may have been incorrect. (Build / 07.05.2024)
New language Azerbaijani. Many thanks to Raul Guliyev for the translation. (Build / 06.05.2024)
In the menu item "Lists / Pairing cards (Excel)" there is the additional parameter ACLUB and BCLUB to output the club name. (Build / 14.04.2024)
for the menu item "Lists / Pairing Cards (Excel)" also xlsx files can be used as templates. (Build / 14.04.2024)
The following Tie-Breaks have been implemented according to the new rules in build (14.04.2024)
- Direct Encounter (DE) for single tournaments [81]
- Progressive Score (PS) for team tournaments [86]
- Koya System (KS) for team tournaments [87]
Bugfixing: The game points for the bye-team may have been incorrect. (Build / 12.04.2024)
The following Tie-Breaks have been implemented according to the new rules in build (09.04.2024)
Extended Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break for Teams [82] (ESB)
- EMMSB : Total matchpoints opponent × matchpoints scored.
- EMGSB : Total matchpoints opponent × gamepoints scored.
- EGMSB : Total gamepoints opponent × matchpoints scored.
- EGGSB : Total gamepoints opponent × gamepoints scored.
Buchholz Tie-Break for Teams [84] (BH)
- weighted with gamepoints BH:GP
- weighted with matchpoints BH:MP
Bugfixing: The old Buchholz Tie-Break [37] and Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break [52] with the option "Baku 2023" were 0 for a short time. (Build / 08.04.2024)
Bugfixing: Array overflow when more than 15 rounds if the new Tie-Breaks are used. (Build / 08.04.2024)
The default Tie-Breaks for a new tournament have been adapted. (Build / 08.04.2024)
Bug fix when marking whether a rank is identical. (Build / 08.04.2024)
The following Tie-Breaks have been implemented according to the new rules in build (04.04.2024)
- Average of Opponents' Buchholz (AOB) [77]
- Average Perfect [Tournament] Performance of Opponents (APPO) (APPO) [88]
- Average [Tournament] Performance Rating of Opponents (APRO) [88]
- Average Rating of Opponents (ARO) [80]
- Buchholz Tie-Break (BH) [84]
- Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break [85]
- Progressive Score (PS) [86]
- Koya System (KS) [87]
- Tournament Performance Rating (TPR) [88]
- Perfect Tournament Performance (PTP) [88]
- Direct Encounter (DE) coming soon [81]
The old Tie-Breaks are hidden, but can be shown by clicking on a checkbox.
Bugfixing when importing the Russian rating list (array overflow). (12.3.2024)
Bugfixing Buchholz Tie.Break variable [37] for individual Swiss system tournaments for a players without a half point bye. (12.3.2024)
The same applies to the Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break variable [52]. (12.3.2024)
Minor adjustments to the Tie-Break [68] "The greater number of wins/games (WIN,WON,BPG,BWG)" for the new BAKU tie-breaks. (12.3.2024)
Minor adjustments to the Tie-Break [36] "Rating average of opponents (variable)" for the new BAKU tie-breaks. (12.3.2024)
Changes 2023
- New Option "Win bye is counted" in the Tie-Break "The greater number of wins (variable) [68]". (23.11.2023)
- Deactivation TRF06 file. (02.11.2023)
- Bugfixing in TRF16 file if bye player gets 0.5 points. (02.11.2023)
- Bugfixing in the menu item "Other / Rtg. Admin. File CAN". (01.11.2023)
- Bugfixing in the menu item "Input / Dates for player pairings..." (30.10.2023)
- New option "Set rating to 0 if player is not found in rating list" in the Update ratings/data form. (30.10.2023)
- When importing players (menu items "File/Import Players (XML)" and "Other/Data Import/Export") you can now select whether the players that have already been entered should be deleted beforehand. (11.10.2023)
- For all tournaments from Brazil the State must be selected before upload to (3.10.2023)
- Bugfixing (Array overflow) of the AUT rapid chess rating list. (1.10.2023)
- New option (Baku 2023) for the Sonneborn Berger Tie-Break variable [52] for individual round robin/Swiss system tournaments. (14.9.2023)
- New option (Baku 2023) for the Buchholz Tie.Break variable [37] for individual Swiss system tournaments. (14.9.2023)
- Ukrainian translation update. (14.9.2023)
- When searching in a rating list, a federation can now be clicked after players have been found. All players of only this federation will then be displayed. The other players will be removed from the search result. (1.9.2023)
- Small changes for the "2023 World Rapid Team Championship" in Dusseldorf (20.8.2023)
- Bugfixing (Array-overflow) when importing the RSA rating-list. (5.8.2023)
- New sort option "All Boards" for Team-swiss-system-tournaments (5.8.2023)
- Small adjustments to the Schiller system. (29.6.2023)
- New Tie_Break 76: Special game points for white and black. (29.6.2023)
- Translation into Basque. Many thanks goes to Mr. Mikel Aretxaga Zubelzu. (6.06.2023)
- New field in the tournament form: FIDE Event ID. Is only visible for FIDE rated tournaments. Appears in the tournament details on (25.5.2023)
- One of 38 federal states must now be selected for the host federation Indonesia (22.5.2023)
- Bugfixing when importing the Russian rating list (array overflow). (16.05.2023)
- Two federal states were added for the host federation Malaysia (12.5.2023)
- When generating a PGN file, the FIDE ID is now also output. (09.5.2023)
- One of 8 federal states must now be selected for the host federation Kyrgyzstan (09.5.2023)
- One of 14 federal states must now be selected for the host federation Malaysia (09.5.2023)
- Small adjustments for the English rating lists. (25.4.2023)
- New menu item for importing the English Blitz rating list. (24.04.2023)
- Small adjustments in the Ukrainian translation. (04/24/2023)
- The Baku acceleration mode in Swiss system was adapted to the changed rules. See The old accelerated system has been disabled. (22.04.2023)
- Translation into Ukrainian. Many thanks to Mr. Horodyskyi Oleh. (20.04.2023)
- Some adaptations for the Team Rapid World Championship in Düsseldorf in August. (12.4.2023)
- New option for outputting the TRF16 file for single-tournaments. See also Technical News (3.4.2023)
- New option for outputting the TRF16 file for team-tournaments. See also Technical News (3.4.2023)
- The Hungarian translation has been updated again. Thanks to Mr. Attila Kasa. (3.4.2023)
- The Hungarian translation has been updated. Thanks to Mr. Attila Kasa. (8.3.2023)
- Bugfixing of the FIDE title list. Yes and No were swapped for the option "At least two other federations (rule 1.43) (6.3.2023)"
- One of 32 federal states must now be selected for the host federation Mexico (21.1.2023)
- Expansion of the federations: GEQ, DMA, LCA, SKN, GRN, VIN, CAR, COM, SWZ, ERI. (20.1.2023)
- Bugfixing of the FIDE-Title-List: The rule 1.4.1.c was not implemented. (11.01.2023)
Changes 2022
- Extension of the FIDE Sonneborn-Berger Tie-Break [35] in team tournaments with the option "weighting according to game points or match points". (22.11.2022)
- Structure change in the English rating list. (19.11.2022)
- Update of the Turkish translation. Many thanks to Mr. Bilge Ibrahim Özel. (19.11.2022)
- Implementation of a KO-System option in the Team Swiss system, especially for the World Team Championship 2022. (12.11.2022)
- Small changes in the Certificate of Title Result IT1. (12.11.2022)
- In the case of Swiss team system tournaments, you can now decide during the upload whether the team composition should on be displayed or not. (27.10.2022)
- Minor Bugfixing entering/updating players in team tournaments. (27.10.2022)
- Bugfixing import Standard FIDE-rating list (Arrayoverflow).(30.09.2022)
- Small adaptations for the Chess Olympiad in Chennai. (24.7.2022)
- New Tie-Break [75]: Olympiad-Sum of Adjusted matchpoints without lowest result (Chennai). (24.7.2022)
- Tie-Break [74] Olympiad-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break without lowest result (Chennai) adapted to changed rules. (24.7.2022)
- Bugfixing: In the Fide title norm list, the number of foreign players with Fide rating, the title holders and the number of foreign federations were determined incorrectly in some cases. (12.06.2022)
- New pairing system for team-round-robin tournaments: Schiller system for exactly 4 teams and 12 players (6.6.2022)
- Bugfixing when inputting via grid (players/teams/dates...) Cells were duplicated. (30.05.2022)
- New Tie-Break [74]: Olympiad-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break without lowest result (Chennai). (24.5.2022)
- If in the "Output scores" the option "0.5" is selected, then the points and Tie-Breaks are output as a number (formerly as a string) in Excel. (4.5.2022)
- All Tie-Breaks are now output in the Excel/text file by default. Previously only on screen (4.5.2022)
- New checkbox in the tournament form: "Show on chess-results". If selected, the field "remarks" will be displayed on with an orange background. (4.5.2022)
- FIDE-+/- rating calculation: Only one discarded result with the highest rating difference is taken into account. (4.5.2022)
- Small corrections when importing the RSA rating list. (19.04.2022)
- Bugfixing when importing the Russian rating list (array overflow). (12.04.2022)
- Upgrading the program development environment from Embarcadero® Delphi 10 Seattle to Delphi 11.1 Alexandria. (23.3.2022)
- Small adjustments for the Olympiad Mode 2022. (23.3.2022)
- New Option in the pairing-form: Olympiad Mode 2022. (13.03.2022)
Changes 2021
- Bugfixing of the Pairings checklist. (8.12.2021)
- Bugfixing when importing the rating list from Costa Rica and Uruguay. (27.11.2021)
- New checkbox for the board and player performance list in team tournaments to determine the necessary games: "Mathematically round, otherwise round up to the next whole number" (20.11.2021)
- To avoid problems when downloading / installing, the setup file SwissManagerUnicodeSetup.exe is now signed with a code-signing certificate, where I am the publisher. (16.11.2021)
- Bugfixing when importing the Russian rating list (array overflow). (15.10.2021)
- Update of the Excel templates "FIDE Arbiter Norm Report Form" (FA1) and "International Arbiter Norm Report Form" (IA1). (13.08.2021)
- Bugfixing in the function "Create FIDE title Excel file". (13.08.2021)
- Bugfixing in the Tie-Break "Direct Encounter" (only seldom occurred). (13.08.2021)
- Bugfixing in the calculation of the FIDE-rating change for Rapid and Blitz tournaments. (12.08.2021)
- Update due to format change of the English rating list. (24.07.2021)
- New menu item "File / Import PGN-File (results). Especially for online tournaments. Here the results of the selected round are imported from the PGN file. (20.07.2021)
- Bugfixing in Tie-Break 14 ("Result of teams in the same point group according to match points") for double-round tournaments. (10.07.2021)
- Small corrections when importing the RSA rating list. (16.06.2021)
- The RSA rating list has a new format (CSV file instead DBF file). The filename "" has remained the same. (04.06.2021)
- New menu item "File / Import Player-Results (XML)", Example see PDF-File under XML_import_Swiss-Manager.pdf (21.04.2021)
- New menu item "Rating lists/Update VIE rating lists" (Standard, Rapid, Blitz) (28.03.2021)
Changes 2020
- New menu item "File / Import PGN-File". (09.12.2020)
- Bugfixing (Array-overflow) when importing the Russian rating-list. (18.11.2020)
- Bugfixing when pairing a single Swiss-System tournament with the option "FIDE (JaVaFo engine,". (20.10.2020)
- The structure and link of the English rating list has changed. (16.9.2020)
- Changed menu item "Upload pictures to" ==> "Upload pictures/files to". In addition to photos, files can now also be uploaded, which are then available for download on the results pages. (13.9.2020)
- New Tie-Break "Sonneborn-Berger (Matchpoints) [74]" (25.8.2020)
- New menu item "File / merge tournament". Here 2 Singl-Swiss system tournaments can be merged into one tournament. (28.06.2020)
- New template for the title norm form (IT1). (28.06.2020)
- New button "Check Online" in the player input dialog. Checks whether the entered nickname (in the Clubname field) is valid and online. Invalid/not online players can be excluded before pairing. (June 26, 2020)
- New combobox "Online Playing Server" in the tournament dialog in sheet "other". At the moment only PlayChess (ChessBase) is supported. (June 26, 2020)
- New host federation "ONL (Online)" for the upload to (15.6.2020)
- Bugfixing in a team-Swiss system tournament when the pairing is repeated with a team having a bye. (7.6.2020)
- Bugfixing Checklist (6.5.2020)
- Bugfixing of the FIDE-title list (Rule 1.43). (19.02.2020)
- Bugfixing when setting a fixed table in the pairing list for team Swiss system tournaments. (11.01.2020)
Changes 2019
- Bugfixing import Rapid FIDE-rating list (Arrayoverflow).(04.12.2019)
- Changing Tie Break 11 (Direct Encounter).
The following feature has been deactivated: If a player in a Tie-Break group has played all games and has all lost/won, then he is the last/first in the Tie-Break group. (15.11.2019)
- Change from link to rating-list of South Africa (RSA)(26.07.2019)
- Change Olympaid mode (for EYCC): For pairing of all rounds the teams are ranked according to the two first selected Tie-Breaks, if equal according to the Start-Ranking (24.10.2019)
- New Menu-item: "File/Merge tournaments" for single-swiss-system-tournaments (13.10.2019)
- Change from link to rating-list of South Africa (RSA)(26.07.2019)
- Bugfixing (Array-overflow) when importing the Russian rating-list. (08.06.2019)
- Extension of the installation code to 20 characters. The old codes remain valid. (08.05.2019)
- Bugfixing of match points in team tournaments on teams that have a bye. (23.01.2019)
- Expansion of the number of participants to 2000 for Swiss system tournaments. (09.01.2019)
- Bugfixing for Team-Round-Robin-Tournaments. The numbers (gam./+/=/-) were displayed incorrectly if an odd number of teams. (07.01.2019)
Changes 2018
- Bugfixing when sorting the startingrank-list using UNICODE characters (21.11.2018)
- New Selection (Time-Control: Standard, Rapid, Blitz) in the tournament form. (27.10.2018)
- Bugfixing (Array-overflow) when importing the RSA rating-list. (27.10.2018)
- Bugfixing (Array-overflow) when importing the Russian rating-list. (15.10.2018)
- Minor Bugfixing menu item "Other/Rtg. admin. file ENG" (15.10.2018)
- New Tie-Break ( Games descending (More is better) [65] ) for Single-Swiss-System-Tournaments. (02.10.2018)
- New menu item "Other/Rtg. admin. file ENG" (01.10.2018)
- Additional fields "Score required ..." and "Exceeding norm by ...points" on the Certificate of Title Result (7.9.2018)
- Change of Tie-Break 56 "Sum Matchpoints (2,1,0) without lowest result" (7.9.2018)
- On the pairings-checklist now the 0 forfeits are marked as down-floater (5.9.2018)
- Additional fields (Numbers of GM, IM, WGM, WIM, FM, WFM) on the Certificate of Title Result (28/29.08.2018)
- New menu item "Rating lists/Update ENG rating list/Rapid" (25.08.2018)
- Minor changes for the Chess Olympiad in Batumi. (15.08.2018)
- In "FIDE Data Export TRF16" Key 122 "Allotted times per moves/game" was temporarily not issued. (29.07.2018)
- In "FIDE Data Export TRF16" in Key 112 is now output the deputy arbiters and the "normal" arbiters. (23.07.2018)
- New Sheet "Arbiter" in the tournament form. Here you can enter the fields "Chief Arbiter", "Deputy Chief Arbiter" and "Arbiter" using the FIDE-rating-List.
Important: If the option "Only search for arbiters (IA, FA) in FIDE list" is used, the FIDE list must be re-imported. (08.07.2018)
- New Field "Deputy Chief Arbiter" in the tournament form. (08.07.2018)
- Bugfixing in the new installation process. (17.06.2018)
- The installation can be done with or without SSL. (16.06.2018)
- Important:
For the installation (input of the installation code) an active internet connection is now necessary. Due to the change, it is unfortunately necessary to enter the code once. Sorry. (15.06.2018)
- Bugfixing: Rarely, the normal pairing was done with the Baku Accelation mode. (14.05.2018)
- Bugfixing of option 1.21 in the FIDE title norm list (26.03.2018)
- Bugfixing: Import of rating-lists (20.03.2018)
- Increased the maximum number of participants to 2,000 for team tournaments (19.03.2018)
- If a ratinglist has an invalid format, it will be deleted." (07.03.2018)
- Slovenian manual available. Many thanks to Boris Žlender. (07.03.2018)
- New menu item "Rating lists/Update SLO rating list" (21.02.2018)
- New menu item "Other/Rtg admin. file RSA" (21.02.2018)
- Problems with the upload (in rare cases) fixed (19.02.2018)
- New menu item "Internet/Download tournament from". The creator of the tournament can download the original file, all other users get the file without the birth date (because of the new General Data Protection Regulation coming in May). (16.02.2018)
- The player performance list and board list can now be uploaded on, if the option "Upload/display on" is selected, when the list is called. (16.02.2018)
- The Standard Lists on ("The best player" and "The best player per board") according Points and according percent are now not active by default. They can be activated with "Internet/Customize lists at". (16.02.2018)
- Preparation for uploading the board list and player performance list on (Only for team-tournaments available) (11.02.2018)
Important Update on 03.02.2018
- Implement of the new Swiss-Pairing rules from July 2017
- Including the Baku Acceleration mode
- Build Number changed from to
- New menu item "Other / FIDE Daten Export TRF16
- New checkbox "C.04.5.1 Baku Acceleration" in the Form "Accelerated System Parameters"
- New checkbox "Apply the FIDE-rules for the Swiss-System tournaments from July 2017" in the tournament form in sheet "other".
The checkbox is selected by default (only relevant for single Swiss-System tournaments) and can only changed/unselected before pairing the first round.
It is strongly recommended not to unselect the checkbox.
- if the checkbox is selected then
- JaVaFo pairing engine is mandatory.
- Automatic sort of the starting rang before pairing round 4 if Accelerated System is used and a new player is entered.
- Only pairings of the current round can be changed with menu "Pairings / Set new player..."
- Warning if a not paired player gets 1 point.
- The points of the PAB (Pairing-Allocated Bye) are all rounds the same.
- The Option "Pair according to tiebreak, not start rank" is disabled.
- Sorting/Display of the starting rank (6 radio button) can only be changed before round 1 is paired.
- The option "Apply the FIDE-rules for the Swiss-System tournaments from July 2017" is enable if a tournament is load which is saved with build <
Exception: if the results for the bye are entered every round or the pairing is according the rank instead of startrank
- If the pairing mode (1/0.5/0 , 3/1/0) is changed after round 1 then the pairings from round 2 are deleted
- The field "Points for the bye player" in the tournament dialog in sheet "General" can be changed including the round with where the first bye occurs.
- The option "Allow input of special results (0:0, ½:0, 0:½, 1U:0U, ½:½U, 0U:1U)." in the tournament form in sheet "other" is seleted by default.
The option can be disabled, then all not paired players (excluded the PAB (Pairing-Allocated Bye)) get no color and 0 points.
- The option "Enter results for excluded players/teams (0 as default)" in the tournament form in sheet "other" is seleted by default.
If a result is different from 0, then the option is disabled.
- The Option "Accelerated System" in the pairing option can only be changed (enabled/disabled) in the first round.
- The Option "Pair according to tiebreak, not start rank" is disabled if using "JaVaFo Pairing engine".
- No manual sort after round 4.
- Bugfixing: Import FIDE-rating list for player with name-length > 32 characters. The FIDE list must be re-imported. Maybe other rating-lists too. (31.01.2018)
- Adaptations for the FIDE-endorsement of the July rules (25.01.2018)
- Fall-back-Solution: If JaVaFo fails, then the Swiss-Manager engine is enabled. (25.01.2018)
- Small Adaptations for the FIDE-endorsement of the July rules (04.01.2018)
- Bugfixing import Rapid FIDE-rating list (Arrayoverflow).(01.01.2018)
Changes 2017
- Adaptations for the FIDE-endorsement of the July rules (17.12.2017)
- Adaptations at the CAN ratinglist. (26.10.2017)
- Bugfixing for new results: 1:0U, ½:½U, 0:1U. (24.07.2017)
- Bugfixing: Wrong message when entering result 1:0. (14.07.2017)
- New results: 1:0U, ½:½U, 0:1U for results with less than one move. (12.07.2017)
- Change of the country code of Lebanon from LIB ==> LBN. (21.06.2017)
- Bugfixing import RSA-ratinglist (Arrayoverflow). (31.05.2017)
- New-Menu-Item "Other / Rtg. admin. file RUS." (03.05.2017)
- Bugfixing. In some cases in the list "Title confirmation for one player" the average rating Ra was wrong. (09.04.2017)
- New Menu-items "Rating lists/Update RUS (CRR) standard rating list","Rating lists/Update RUS (CRR) rapid rating list""Rating lists/Update RUS (CRR) blitz rating list" (10.02.2017)
- Change of the links for the Uni-Code RUS-rating lists (20.01.2017)
- Expansion of the additional ratinglists from 80.000 to 100.000 players. (07.01.2017)
Changes 2016
- Bugfixing. The option "Accelerated Pairings" was no working. (07.12.2016)
- Bugfixing: In some cases there was a "Bereichsüberlauf" (overflow) in the player input form only in team-tournaments. (11.11.2016)
- Bugfixing: In some cases, the message 38 was not displayed during program exit (save tournament data) although data was changed. (04.11.2016)
- New-Menu-Item "Specials / Rtg. admin. file BEL. (01.11.2016)
- "Accelerated Pairings" activated for pairing with JaVaFo-engine. (21.10.2016)
- Change of the federation code of Singapore from SIN to SGP (30.09.2016)
- Bugfixing assigning fixed boards, if the option "Offset board in pairing list" is set. (30.09.2016)
- Correction from 24.9. (25.09.2016)
- Bugfixing importing field "date of birth" from Text Files. (24.09.2016)
- Bugfixing because of overflow during import of the FIDE-rapid-list. If you have problem to start Swiss-Manager please hold the Shift key during Start (02.09.2016)
- New Tie Break: [71] Berlin System for Team-Tournaments. (15.08.2016)
- New Menu-item "Rating lists/Update URU" (30.07.2016)
- 2 new check-boxes in the Player-Input-form for Swiss-System-tournaments : "check presence of players" and Spieler Anwesenheit prüfen" und "Show not present players". If this function is used, not present players are not paired. (30.07.2016)
- New Menu-items "Rating lists/Update RUS standard rating list","Rating lists/Update RUS rapid rating list""Rating lists/Update RUS blitz rating list" (10.06.2016)
- Upgrade of the software development environment from Delphi XE5 to Delphi 10 Seattle. (25.04.2016)
- Bugfixing, if a fixed board is assign in an single-swiss-system-tournament. (11.03.2016)
- Bugfixing in Tie Break 11 (Direct Encounter). (04.02.2016)
- Bugfixing of the FIDE-Title-Norm-list, Rule 1.43e. (29.01.2016)
- Rating list RUS changed to ORR (20.01.2016)
- For all tournaments from India the State must be selected before upload to (20.01.2016)
- Translation into Chinese. Many thanks to He Guigang. (15.01.2016)
- Bugfixing of the checklist (Downfloater). (07.01.2016)
- New option "Creating a backup-file after pairing a round" in the option dialog for Swiss-System tournaments. (06.01.2016)
Changes 2015
- Bugfixing import FIDE-ratinglist (Arrayoverflow). (02.12.2015)
- Import of the FIDE-List including FOA titles (11.09.2015)
- Increasing number of players to 1600 (11.09.2015)
- New Tie Break: [69] Koya-System (fine) (16.08.2015)
- Translation into Catalan. Many thanks to Carles Vilà. (05.08.2015)
- Conversion of the HTML lists to charset UTF-8. (05.06.2015)
- Bug fixing for team-swiss-systems option "ignore color". (15.05.2015)
- Translation into Arabic. Many thanks to Mohamed Shoieb, FIDE-ID 10602224. (21.03.2015)
- New Menu-item "Rating lists/Update RUS Ratinglist. (21.03.2015)
- New Tie-Break: [68] Greater number of victories (variable). (19.03.2015)
- Some changes to make the illegal use of Swiss-Manager harder. (11.02.2015)
- Changes in the upload picture function. (11.02.2015)
- New option for sorting the Team Starting rank list. (29.01.2015)
- The "Tournament Report Files" (TRF) is output now encoded as UTF-8. (29.01.2015)
- Most files will now be read and write as a UTF-8 file. (29.01.2015)
- Bug fixing in generating the "Tournament Report File" (TRF) for the pairing, if names contain special Unicode characters. (26.01.2015)
- Bug fixing in the player dialog when using the Tab key (loop). (15.01.2015)
- New Tie-Break: [67] Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (analog [57], but with all results). (07.01.2015)
- New Option "Show excluded players/teams from the previous round" in the exclude player/team dialog (04.01.2015)
- When generating the text file for the FIDE rating server now the round from - to can be specified. (02.01.2015)
Changes 2014
- For large single-Swiss system tournaments, the results can be entered on via XML interface
and then be imported into Swiss manager.
See (21.12.2014)
- The javaw.exe file (Java Engine) can now be explicitly selected in the Options dialog.
- Bugfixing for pairings with JaVaFo for usernames containing Unicode characters. (08.11.2014)
- In some lists the grid-column width was not correct. (18.10.2014)
- Update the Excel/Grid routines. (17.10.2014)
- New Menu-item "Rating lists/Update CRO Ratinglist. (11.10.2014)
- Bugfixing generating the TRF (Tournament Report File) for the JaVaFo engine. Results 0:0 and adjourned games are now handled correctly. (23.07.2014)
- Additionally Pairing-Engine (JaVaFo Engine from Roberto Ricca).
In the pairing dialog there are 2 new options:
FIDE (JaVaFo engine, local: Important: This requires the installation of Java.
FIDE (JaVaFo engine, Important: This requires an active Internet connection.
Here, the pairings will be done on, therefore the Java installation is not required.
Here the "Tournament Report File" (TRF) is transmitted to chess-result, then the pairings are done and downloaded. (20.06.2014)
- New Menu-item "Rating lists/Update POR blitz Ratinglist. (03.04.2014)
- The selection whether the tournament is FIDE-rated or national rated is now a mandatory input. (25.03.2014)
- Bugfixing import FIDE-ratinglist (Arrayoverflow). (04.03.2014)
- Bugfixing from 04.12.2013: In 1.45a (W)FM are taken into account again. (06.01.2014)
- Revision of the English Swiss-Manager texts. Many thanks to Andre White. (04.01.2014)
Changes 2013
- Changing of Tie-Break [11] "Direct encounter (the results of the players in the same score group)":
If a player has played in this score group against all players and won/lost all games, then the player is the first/last in this score group.
- Bugfixing list1 ("Team List"). (04.12.2013)
- (W)FM titles will not be considered in the calculation of (W)GM and (W)IM titles. (04.12.2013)
- Upgrade of the software development environment from Delphi XE2 to Delphi XE5.(17.11.2013)
- Upgrade of the setup software Install Mate from Version 7 to Version 9(17.11.2013)
- Upgrade of the Excel routines. Now also xlsx files/rating lists can be read/write. (17.11.2013)
- New option in the options dialog: Excel file format (xls or xlsx extension ending). (17.11.2013)
- Change of build to (17.11.2013)
- New Menu-item "Rating lists/Update CZE Rapid Ratinglist for ASCII and Unicode. (21.09.2013)
- Changing in the date-dialog: If "-" (hyphen) is entered in the date-field, then the field is left empty. (10.09.2013)
- Link change for the German rating list ( ==> ). (03.09.2013)
- Bugfixing import RSA-ratinglist (Arrayoverflow). (04.08.2013)
- Bugfixing import FIDE-ratinglist and AUT-Rapid-ratinglist (Arrayoverflow). (30.06.2013)
- New Menu-item "Rating lists/Update GRE Ratinglist. (18.06.2013)
- New option in the Pairing dialog for single round robin tournaments: "Simultaneous tournaments".
Here the start rank number 1 is set with all other players. The color can be set in the result input dialog. (29.05.2013)
- Translation to Lithuanian (1st try). Many thanks to Mrs. Laima Domarkaite. (29.04.2013)
- Because of necessary changes in the Unicode ratinglists, the lists must be re-imported. (13.04.2013)
- Revision of the Ratinglists import/search. (11.04.2013)
- Bugfixing FIDE title list: In rare cases the average rating of the opponents (Ra) was too high. (16.02.2013)
- Translation of the Helpfile to Vietnamese. Many thanks to Mr. Nguyen Phuoc Trung. (23.01.2013)
- Bugfixing of pairing option "Protect round" for Team-Swiss-Systems. (23.01.2013)
- Bugfixing import POL-ratinglist (import of a wrong rating-field). (23.01.2013)
- New Menu-item "Rating lists/Update POL Ratinglist. (17.01.2013)
- New Menu-item "Rating lists/Update POR rapid Ratinglist. (17.01.2013)
- Bugfixing import FIDE-ratinglist (Arrayoverflow). (01.01.2013)
Changes 2012
- Translation to Vietnamese. Many thanks to Mr. Nguyen Phuoc Trung. (27.12.2012)
- Translation to Romanian. Many thanks to Mr. Dinu-Ioan Nicula. (25.12.2012)
- New Menu-items ( "Internet / Import Team-Compositions from" and "Internet / Setup Team-Composition Online-Registration on CR" )
for the Online-registration of the Team-Compositions on by the team-captains. See also PDf-File
- In Tie-Break 11 (Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)) from now on forfeits are not considered. (7.12.2012)
- Bugfixing for the Hebrew lists. (17.11.2012)
- Bugfixing in the CAN ratinglist: Array-Overflow. (16.10.2012)
- Bugfixing for the Hebrew language: All lists should now be from right to left. (16.10.2012)
- New option in the tournament dialog in sheet others (special for the European Club Cup): "For all not rated players: From lowest rated player rounded down to the nearest 100." (7.10.2012)
- Bugfixing for the Hebrew language: Mainmenu items switch back in some cases to left to right. (7.10.2012)
- Expansion of Team-Swiss system tournaments to 300 teams. (16.09.2012)
- Bugfixing for the Rapid and Blitz-rating-list: The standard rating was dispalyed. (26.08.2012)
- The search in the rating-lists can now also be done by the first name.
Example 1: Herzog,H searches for all players in all rating-lists starting with "Herzog" where the first name starts with "H".
Example 2: Herzog,H,AUT searches for all players only in the AUT-rating-list starting with "Herzog" where the first name starts with "H".
Example 3: *erzog,H searches for all players in all rating-lists, containing "erzog" in the last- or firstname and the first name starts with "H". (07.08.2012)
- Inplementation of the new FIDE-ratinglist-structure which is valid from 01/09/2012. You can import both structures. (07.08.2012)
- The teams can also be sorted alphabetically in the team dialog. (07.08.2012)
- New-Menu-Item "Specials / Rtg. admin. file CAN. (25.07.2012)
- New Ratinglist-Import for FIDE-Rapid (FIDR), FIDE-Blitz (FIDB), Austria-Rapid (AUTR), Australia (AUS). (16.07.2012)
- Add Indonesian handbook. Many thanks to Norman Rizkyono. (10.07.2012)
- Some test of the Hebrew language (written from right to left). (10.07.2012)
- New Option in the tournament dialog in sheet "others": Enable manual color assignment of players in team round robin tournaments. (10.07.2012)
- 3 New menu-items special for the olympiad (File/Import Teams (XML),Datei/Import Players (XML),Datei/Import TeamCompositions (XML). (6.07.2012)
- Translation to Armenian. Many thanks to Mr. Armen Nikoghosyan. (8.6.2012)
- New Option "Search all players in the selected ratinglist (Ignore Ratinglist-Source)" in menu-item "Specials/Update ratings/data". (28.05.2012)
- New-Menu-Item "Rating lists/Update ENG ratinglist". (17.05.2012)
- Bug fixing in the U10, U12,... classifikation. (17.05.2012)
- Revision/extension of the Tie-Breaks for the Player performance list and Board list in team-tournaments. (01.05.2012)
- New Tie-Break: Arranz System (Win:1 / Draw: 0.6 black, 0.4 white, lost: 0). (01.05.2012)
- New-Menu-Item "Rating lists/Update POR ratinglist". (17.04.2012)
- Wrong error message when entering the results for players who have a bye (1.4.2012)
- Revision of the tournament upload with better messages if the upload was not successful. (18.3.2012)
- New option in the tournament dialog in sheet "others": "Enter result for player/team which has a bye" (18.3.2012)
- Extended option in the tournament dialog in sheet "others": "Enter results for excluded players/teams (0 as default)" now also for Swiss-Team-tournaments (18.3.2012)
- Bug fixing: In Tie-Break 11 (The results of the players in the same point group) the weakest point-group was possibly incorrect. (11.3.2012)
- If the screen height is less than the minimum recommended height of 768 pixels, the modal dialogs are if they are higher, scrollable. Build (5.3.2012)
- Bug fixing: The special Excel-Files for Team Swiss System tournaments (Excel-Team-Fixed Board,Excel-Team-Composition und Excel-Matchreport) were formatted incorrectly. Build (5.3.2012)
- Bug fixing: When importing the online data from the entered rounddates in the Swiss-manager were deleted. Build (5.3.2012)
- The file structure for the SUI rating calculation was changed (CSV-File). (15.02.2012)
- In a single round robin tournament one player can be deleted (if the number of players are even) without repairing the tournament. The opponents of the deleted player get a bye. (15.02.2012)
- New Option in the tournament-dialog in sheet "other": "If player loses by forfeit, the team result will be reduced by a half point." (Especially for the Greek championship). (15.02.2012)
- New age-group F (Female) in the tournament-dialog. Example: F20..for women under 20 years. (15.02.2012)
- 2 new sort-options (Rating national (only), Rating international (only)) in the tournament dialog. (15.02.2012)
- New-Menu-Item "Rating lists/Update CAN ratinglist". (6.02.2012)
- If a national rating list is imported (NAT, ADD1, .. ADD9) also a K-factor (0.250) can be imported. Column Name "K". (7.1.2012)
- New option "Ignore color" in the pairing dialog. (7.1.2012)
- The language of the handbook can now selected in the menu "specials / language selection and directories". (7.1.2012)
- Especially for Austria: new age group W55 (female seniors start at age 55). (2.1.2012)
Changes 2011
- Some changes for the new Austrian-rapid-ratinglist. (20.12.2011)
- The menu item "List /Match cards Excel" has been revised and 2 Excel-Templates attached.(16.12.2011)
- The change from 10.12.2011 (The listtitles at the user-defined lists) was rolled back. (16.12.2011)
- Bug fixing: Double forfeits (-:-) have been imported wrong in the "FIDE-Data import". (14.12.2011)
- As a result of the change from the encoding on to UTF-8, some special functions for the rating officers, which access directly from Swiss-Manager to, have been adjusted. (Problems with special characters). (10.12.2011, Build
- Bug fixing: The listtitles was not printed at the user-defined lists. (10.12.2011)
- Bug fixing in the "Rating statistics FIDE" list. Here also forfeit-games were erroneously calculated. (9.12.2011, Build
- The administration of language-dependent strings for Swiss-Manager and takes place now online on
If you want to review the translation for your language please do not hesitate to write me.(9.12.2011)
- Menu-Item "Specials/Update ratings/data" now works if the tournament is rated in several countries (AUT,SUI,GER,..) (several ID-fields). (30.11.2011, Build
- Upgrade of the development environment from Delphi 2009 to Delphi XE2.
Change of build to (30.11.2011)
- Tie-Break [21] Ratingperformance is replaced by Tie-Break [60] Ratingperformance (Variable). (30.11.2011)
- Translation to Indonesian. Many thanks to Mr. Norman Rizkyono. (15.11.2011)
- In the player-input dialog the FIDE title, FIDE-rating and K-factor is taken automatically from the FIDE-rating list. (09.11.2011)
- Changes in the structure of the uploading game file (*.psq). (27.10.2011)
- Before the tournament is uploaded to, a messagebox is displayed if the user is not the creator of the tournament. (7.10.2011)
- Tie-Break [37] (Buchholz variable) in Team-Swiss-Systems: Additional options selectable. (7.10.2011)
- Bug fixing in the language pack for Portugal". (2.10.2011)
- New-Menu-Item "Rating lists/Update ITA ratinglist". (9.09.2011)
- Translation to Greece. Many thanks to Mr. Sotiris Logothetis. (28.08.2011)
- Bug fixing in the player input dialog: The players could not be entered from the rating list (21.8.2011)
- Bug fixing: Prevent (potential) memory leaks (15.8.2011)
- Bug fixing Tie-Break [11] "The results of the players in the same point group". (7.8.2011)
- New-Menu-Item: Info/FIDE Arbiter Norm Report (1. Draft). (7.8.2011)
- New-Menu-Item: Info/FIDE Int. Arbiter Norm Report (1. Draft). (7.8.2011)
- Especially for the Turkish Chess Federation: The 11-digit private Citizen IDs are not uploaded to (6.8.2011)
- Bug fixing concerning the FIDE-title-list. In rare cases, there was a variable overflow. (29.07.2011)
- New button "Default settings" in the Accelerated System Dialog. (12.07.2011)
- New Option in the pairing dialog (for single Swiss-Systems): "Pairing depends on the game points and Tie-Break (instead of game points and Start ranking)". (24.06.2011)
- New-Menu-Item "Rating lists/Update RSA ratinglist". (20.06.2011)
- Bug fixing concerning the FIDE-title-list. The WIM title was not recognized in some cases. (04.06.2011)
- Bug fixing concerning the rules D1 and D2 (Transposition and Exchange
Procedures) (19.05.2011)
- Single-Swiss-System tournaments can be also paired according to the weighted points (3 for victory, 1 for draw, 0 losses). (07.05.2011)
- Bug fixing: FIDE-Title-Norm-list rule 1.4.4a. (26.04.2011)
- Complete revision of the FIDE-Title-Norm-list.
Now all new titles are displayed.
If a player gets different titles, the highest title (WIM => WGM => IM => GM) (with the maximum rounds) are displayed.
The options "Output only new titleholders" and "Do not consider winning games" were removed.
New button: "FIDE-Title-norm check for a player". Here you can see all important data if rounds or winning games are removed.
- New Tie-Break [59] (Rating Performance without two results) special for European Individual Chess Championship in Aix les Bains. (23.03.2011)
- 2 new Menu-Items for the Austrian rapid and blitz rating calculation (Only visible for customer in Austria). (04.03.2011)
- Extension of Tie-Break [44] "Matchpoints (variabel)". Now also points of preliminary rounds can be added optional. (06.02.2011)
- Bug fixing: Import AUT-ratinglist (not sorted). (24.01.2011)
- Translation to Italian (1st draft). Many thanks to Mr. Stefan Hellweger. (22.01.2011)
- Tie-Break [37] (Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel)) and [52] (Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (variabel) only for round robin tournaments: If there is an odd number of players, the byes are not considered. (22.01.2011)
- Tie-Break [44] ( Matchpoints (variabel)). Results (default 0) of not paired rounds are considered. (22.01.2011)
- Changing of the file-extension for the Austrian rating list from .exe to .zip (16.01.2011)
- New notebook/Development Environment Windows 7 Professional 64Bit (15.01.2011)
- Changes in the data-structure for the AUT-rating-list (08.01.2011)
- Special extensions for the rating-calculation of the Dominican Republic (07.01.2011)
Changes 2010
- Bug fixing: Import File-Ratinglist.(22.12)
- Bug fixing: Debugging-File (if you starts the pairings) to drive M: was removed.(27.11)
- Special extensions for the Icelandic rating-calculation (21.11)
- New option for calculation of the rating performance: "Limit rating-difference to 400" (In the tournament-dialog in sheet "lists") (21.10)
- New Tie-Break [58]: "Rtg Sum (without lowest rtg) or Progressive Score (Youth WCC)" (13.10)
- Minor changes for the olympiad in Khanty-Mansiysk (23.09)
- Menu-item "Specials / FIDE-data export". New Option "Use Name and Title from FIDE-rating list". Meaningfully, if the players are entered with the national ratinglist. (26.07)
- At Tie-Breaks "Buchholz Tie-Breaks [37]" and "Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break"
defaultoption changed to "counted as a game against a virtual opponent". (17.07)
- Bug fixing: Menu-item "Specials / update ratinfs/data" should now work also with UniCode ratingslists. (17.07)
- Necessary changes (new pairing rules) for the olympiad in Khanty-Mansiysk (03.07 and 09.07)
- New Tie-Break [56]: Olympiad Khanty-Mansiysk Matchpoints (2,1,0) (without lowest result) (03.07)
- New Tie-Break [57]: Olympiad-Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (Olympiade Khanty-Mansiysk ) (03.07)
- Tie-Break [52] (Sonneborn-Berger): New Option "Weighting for not played game (bye,
forfeit)" (26.06)
- Bug fixing: Menu-item "Specials / Split Torunament" the round number was 0 in the generated files (26.06)
- Bug fixing: After opening the result-input dialog wrong buttons were displayed for the first
pairing. (26.06)
- Bug fixing: If Tie-Break 14 in Team-Touenaments was selected, in some cases the program
loops. (07.06)
- The (recommended) minimum screen resolution is 1024x768 pixels. The installation is possible from 800x600
- Minor changes in the Import of Unicode-Ratinglists (01.06)
- Minor changes in the Average Recursive Ratingperformance Tie-Break (01.06)
- New Tie-Break [55]: Average Recursive Ratingperformance (24.05)
- New Tie-Break [54]: Recursive Ratingperformance (15.05)
- New Tie-Break [53]: Most black (15.05)
- Translation to Russian (1st draft). Many thanks to Mr. Yuriy Gnyp. (18.04)
- Translation to Hungarian (1st draft). Many thanks to Mr. Pajor Csaba. (09.04)
- Minor changes importing the rating list from Switzerland. (22.3)
- Searching in Unicode ratinglist: If you search for S,s,C,c,Z,z,D,d also signs with hácek are
found. (19.3)
- In Bug fixing in case of problems with the half sign. See 25.02 (19.3)
- Bug fixing in case of problems with the half sign. (19.3)
- Bug fixing: Search of players in the result-input dialog. (8.3)
- The alphabetical order (players and teams) occurs without case sensitivity. (1.3)
- A tournament can now also split according the fields typ+sex. (1.3)
- Bug fixing in the import/export-dialog (import player- and pairing-data) (1.3)
- Bug fixing in case of problems with the half sign (depends on the Windows language). If you have problems, try entering * in the option dialog in sheet "lists" in field "Special half sign (½) for results and table". (25.02)
- Changing the program development environment from Windows XP to Windows 7. (12.02)
- New menuitem: ? / Show Test-Excel. To solve characterset problems. (12.02)
- Temporäre Excel-Files für Listerstellung werden mit Endung tmp statt xls ausgegeben. (12.02)
- Spanish Helpfile available. Many thanks to Antonio Pérez Trapero for translation. (12.02)
- Bug fixing in the result-input-dialog if option "Enter results for excluded players (0 as default)" was enabled. (06.02)
- CZE ratinglist in Unicode available. (06.02)
- Bug fixing in menu Data Import/Export. (06.02)
- Some minor bugs. (13.12)
Changes 2009
- New Option for the Buchholz-TieBreak (variable) [37]: "counted as a game against a virtual opponent". (27.10)
- New menu item: Internet/Update CZE-ratinglist (08.10)
- In the playerdialog for team tournaments the width of the team-panel can be changed. (08.10)
- Bug fixing: In some cases error during assignment of a new databasekey for (21.09)
- Bug fixing FIDE-title-regulations. Wrong rounding in 1.4.4.a (29.08)
- Minor changes for the Vienna Open. (17.08)
- Bug fixing FIDE-title-regulations. Wrong rounding in 1.4.4.a (29.08)
- Minor changes for the Vienna Open. (17.08)
- Adaptation to the FIDE-title-regulations from the 1st July (21.07)
- Increasing of the number of players from 1.200 to 1.500. (02.07)
- New dialog (Menue Input/Results special...) for big single-round robin tournaments. Especially for marathon blitz at Pardubice. (21.06)
- New sortoption (Rating maximum (Nat., Int.)) in the tournamentdialog for the startrank. (21.06)
- Minor extensions for the Vienna Open. (21.06)
- Bug fixing menu item "specials/Update ratings/data" using FIDE-ratinglist. (02.04)
- Bug fixing for Swiss-System tournaments for the last round: The rules B5 and B6 were not considered under certain circumstances. (06.03)
- New Option "Special handling for players without FIDE-rating" in tournament dialog in sheet "lists".
If activated the rating performance rp is calculated for players without FIDE-rating as follows:
For player with more than 50%: Rp = Ra + 12.5 for every half point above 50%
For player with 50%: Rp = Ra
For player with less than 50%: Rp = Ra + dp (dp corresponding Table 10.1.a see FIDE-Homepage "02. FIDE Rating Regulations (Qualification Commission))
Note: Only opponents with Fide-rating are taken into consideration. (06.03)
- New menu item: Import Online-Registration from
Now on the tournament registration can be done online. Then these data can be imported to Swiss manager. (06.03)
- Bug fixing (exception (0)). (17.01)
- Bug fixing Option "Internet/Restricted Tournament upload". (04.01)
- Minor changes importing CZE ratinglist. (04.01)
Changes 2008
- Minor changes for the olympiad in Dresden. (28.10, 19.11)
- Bug fixing ECC mode. (20.10)
- Changes ECC and Olympiad. (17.10)
- Necessary changes for the olympiad in Dresden. (14.10)
- Bug fixing in team-swiss-system-tournaments: If a team wins on all boards with
forfeits (opponnent didn't appear) it was possible that this team gets a bye in a later round. (10.10)
- Changes for the Olympiad in Dresden. (06.10)
- New Function "Upload Chess-Results" in the results-input dialog for single and team tournaments.
here the entered results are transfer Hier werden die eingegebenen Resultate auf eingespielt und werden dort in der Ergebnisliste aktuell angezeigt.
Alle anderen Listen bleiben unverändert und werden erst beim normalen Upload
(Internet/Automatischer Upoad zu aktualisiert. (03.10)
- Some changes for the Austrian rating calculation. (01.10)
- Necessary changes for the olympiad in Dresden. (06.09)
- Improved tournament-upload. Now the Upload is split into 3 steps. (File transfer, reading data, inserting data in database base).
Suitable messages are given. If the new menu item "Internet / Upload Mode (new) is not selected, the old upload is used. (04.07)
- In Team-Swiss System tournaments a player can be entered for several teams (analog Team round robin tournaments). (12.06)
- Now with the result input dialog (option "Teams (standard)") a result xx:0F can be entered.(12.06)
- If the option "rating data output for several federations" enabled, the federation can be selected for which the Identnumber is output on all lists. (12.06)
- Translation to Slovak (1. version). Thanks to Mr. Karol Rückschloss. (03.05)
- Bug fixing of the FIDE-ratinglist import: Array overflow. (02.05)
- Link to FIDE-rating list has changed to (16.04)
- Changing of the Defaultvalue "Sort of the pairing lists" in the tournament dialog in sheet "others". The defaultvalue is now "no automatically sort".
This means, if you change a result in an older round, the pairing list will be not resorted. (26.03)
- New menu item "Input/Resort pairing list". With it the pairing list for the selected round can be resorted. (26.03)
- Minor changes of the special functions for the Austrian rating officer (21.03)
- Bug fixing of the colour allocation in Swiss system tournaments in the last round (appeared very rare) (21.03)
- New field "federation" in the tournament dialog. Before uploading to a country must be selected. The country of the customer is the first entry. (14.03)
- In team tournaments a player can be entered in more than one team. (14.03)
- new Tie break "Sum of Matchpoints (variabel) [48]" for the European Team championship. (24.02)
- Smaller extensions for the chess olympiad. (02.02)
- Necessary changes for Tournamentuploads to with keys > = 10000. (22.01)
- Bug fixing of the FIDE-title norm list: In some cases Rp was wrong. (06.01)
Changes 2007
- Translation to Spanish (1. version). Many thanks to Mikel Larreategi, Jesus Mena and Luis Blasco. (28.12)
- Bug fixing in the export of playerdata. Between rank and Surname the field separator was missing. (28.12)
- Bug fixing of the FIDE-title norm list: rule 1.21 may be activated only for the Olympiad or Continental Championship. (09.12)
- New menue item "File/Import FIDE-Date Format. If there are any problems with the import, please mail me the FIDE-Text-file. (25.10)
- Now for the import of the FIDE rating list the complete list is suggested.
However, it can be also imported alternatively the list of the players with rating. (25.10)
- Now the rating lists for AUT, FIDE and GER are completely loaded in the main memory. (25.10)
- The search in the AUT, FIDE and GER rating list was optimised. (25.10)

The most important possibilities as examples briefly summarized.:
herzog + <Enter>: Search for all players in all rating lists which start with "Herzog" (surname)
*herzog + <Enter>: Search for all players in all rating lists which contain "Herzog" in the name (surename or firstname)
f1600320 + <Enter>: Search for all players in all rating lists with FIDE-Id 1600320
f1600320,FIDE + <Enter>: Search for all players in the FIDE rating list with FIDE-Id 1600320
i105020 + <Enter>: Search for all players in all rating lists with ID (Identnummer) 105020
- Some special functions for the AUT Eloreferenten were adapted and expanded. These functions are available only the Austiran rating officers. (25.10)
- Bug fixing of the FIDE-rating import from the FIDE-ZIP file without internet connection (16.10)
- Bug fixing in the title-confirmation-file for one player. (13.10)
- Bug fixing, if the generated title-confirmation-file has already existed. (10.10)
- Bug fixing. With import of the German rating list not all players were imported. (06.10)
- Bug fixing. The internal file-copy function changed in the last build was faulty in some cases. (30.09)
- Changing of the default value of the buchholz tie-break for not played games (forfeit, bye...).
Instead of computate with 0,5 points (modified points) now counted as a draw against the player himself. (9.09)
- Bug fixing of the FIDE-title norm list. Under certain circumstances not all titles are displayed.
(E.g. valid GM performance norm, but rating average too low, a valid IM norm was not displayed) (9.09)
- Bug fixing. By changes in the Tie-Break details dialogs for Buchholz, Rating and Matchpoints variabel (36,37,44) the parameters were not set (02.09)
- Bug fixing of the FIDE-title norm list (rule 1.44a) (21.07)
- New menue item "Internet/Turnier für AUT Eloliste anmelden". Only visible for user in AUT. (21.07)
- The link for the German rating list has changed. (23.06)
- New menue item "Internet/Update SUI-ratinglist" (23.06)
- Now Swiss manager also runs under Windows VISTA. (07.06)
The following changes were necessary (also applies to Windows 98, ME, NT, in 2000, XP):
- Because a new installation program is used, it is recommended to uninstall the old version before installation this version.
- Now some important parametres (code, language, directories,...) are stored in the registry.
This means, that the installation code, the language and perhaps some directories are entered new.
- The help files are converted from *.hlp (is not longer supported by Windows VISTA)
to *.chm.
- Now Swiss-Manager files (extensions *.TUN, *.TUR, *.TUM, *.TUT) are automatically linked to Swiss-Manager during installation.
- Now Swiss-Manager also runs with limited rights. So datas (parameters, list definitions...) are not longer saved in the program installation
directory, but in an user directory (depends on Windows version and language). Example for German XP-Windows:
"C:\Dokumente and Einstellungen\USER\Anwendungsdaten\SwissManager" (USER..User logged on).
- The menue item "specials/Links..." was removed)
- The menue item "specials/DeInstall..." was removed)
- New menue item "specials/Language Selection and directories". Here the language and some directories can be selected/entered.
Hence, the selection of the language and the parameters for the tournaments- and list-directories
were removed in the menu "specials/options...".
- The Exe file name was changed from Schach95.exe to SwissManager.exe.
- Increasing of the players maximum from 900 to 1200. (06.05)
- Bug fixing from 4.1.2007: The message was also shown, if the results of the current round were changed. (06.05)
- Bug fixing at games-upload to, if the option "restrict tournamentupload" was enabled. (12.04)
- For the EM in Dresden implementation of a new option for the performance calculation "Only Fide rating, other games are ignored"
(in the tournament dialog in sheet "lists") (10.04)
- For the EM in Dresden implementation of special pairing cards. (This function is at the moment only for IA Stubenvoll enabled.) (01.04)
- In the FIDE-Data Export File, Ä, Ö,...ß are converted to AE, OE,...SS. (28.03)
- With menue-item "specials/Update rating/data data can now beside AUT and FIDE also updated from other ratinglists. (28.03)
- New Option: menue Internet/restrict tournamentupload. If a tournament is uploaded with enabled option, after it only the creator of the
Swiss-Manager file can upload this tournament to If a tournament is uploaded with disabled option, after it
all user (as before) can upload this tournament. (22.03)
- The lists at can now only customize from the creator of the
Swiss-Manager file with menue item Internet/Customize lists at (22.03)
- New Option in the tournament dialog in sheet other for sorting the starting rank list for team-swiss-system tournaments. (22.03)
- Enumeration of all tournaments for which rule 1.21 for the FIDE-Title Certificates is applicable.
- Bug fixing in Tie-Break Ratingperformance [21] (08.03)
- In the case of the FIDE-Daten Export, the rounds can be selected. (04.03)
- In Update FIDE rtg list the K-factor is also imported. (04.03)
- If the FIDE-Titel certificates are saved to excel, men and women titles are now saved in the same Excel file. (16.02)
- Bug fixing of the FIDE-Title certificates if the tournament has more than 9 rounds and the option "Do not consider winning games" was enabled. (16.02)
- Bug fixing of the FIDE-Export File for tournaments where the results for the rating calculation different the results for the tournament ranking. (06.01)
- If in a Swiss-tournament a result in an old round is changed, a message is shown that the sorting of the pairing list of the actual round is probably changed. (04.01)
Changes 2006
- FIDE-Rating import also local (without internet connection) from text-file (not zip-file) possible.(09.12)
- Rating calculation for Poland. (09.12)
- Bug fixing for single Swiss-System tournaments with more than 700 participants. (24.10)
- New opton in the tournament-dialog in sheet general. In team Swiss-System tournaments it is now possible to pair according matchpoints 3,1,0. (24.10)
- New option in the tournament-dialog in sheet lists under Rating performance. (24.10)
- New option in the Options-dialog in sheet lists. "At all lists: first name before last name". (24.10)
- Some special features for the German Bundesliga. (24.10)
- Bug fixing importing rating lists. (17.10)
- If required, the FIDE-ratinglist can be downloaded. (New menue item "Internet/Update FIDE-ratinglist"). In this case, the original Zip-file from the FIDE Homepage will be downloaded, unzipped and installed. (14.10)
- If required, the AUT-ratinglist can be downloaded. (New menue item "Internet/Update AUT-ratinglist"). In this case, the original Exe-file from the Swiss-Manager Homepage will be downloaded, unzipped and installed. (14.10)
- If required, the GER-ratinglist can be downloaded. (New menue item "Internet/Update GER-ratinglist"). In this case, the original Zip-file from the GER Homepage will be downloaded, unzipped and installed. (14.10)
- In the Team-Result input dialog the Identnumber is changed from 5 to 6 characters. (14.10)
- Translation to Croatian (1. version). Thanks to WGM Mirjana Medic. (17.9)
- The Identnumber in the player dialog extended to 11 characters. (29.8)
- The results 0:0, 0:½,½:0 can entered for all tournament types. (29.8)
- New option in the tournament dialog in sheet "other": "Add points in the field PktAdd in the player dialog for pairing and ranking". (29.8)
- In the FIDE data export file Key 132 and field sex added. (15.8)
- The tournament upload occurs from now to Please change all links to (28.7)
- Bug fixing from 19.6: The access to the rating list happen wrongly to the Austrian player database. (22.6)
- Bug fixing: The result 0-½ was handled wrongly.(20.6)
- Changes as a result of the Austrian player database. (19.6)
- New field K-Factor (for the FIDE-rating) in the player-dialog and rating dialog. (8.6)
- New option for determination of Fide titles. (8.6)
- Add of rule 1.49a for determination of Fide titles. (8.6)
- Minor changes for the chess olympiad in Turin. (22.5, 8.6)
- Bug fixing: In Team tournaments there was a bug in the FIDE data export file. (2.5)
- In Swiss system tournaments, a fixed board can be assigned to a player/team for the pairing list. (1.5)
- In case that the national rating calculation should occur for several federations, the option
"activate several federation" in the tournament dialog in sheet "Other" can be set. At the present
a up to 4 federations (from AUT, SUI, ESP, GER, CZE) can be selected.
For the selected federations, the Ident-Number can be entered and is then output to the corresponding rating file. (1.5)
- Menue item specials/Rtg. admin file FIDE removed (replaced by specials/FIDE
data export). (1.5)
- Special for the Blitz EM in Cannes: Increasing the rounds to 25 (Swiss-System) and adding a new tie-break (game Points + Qualifying Points
- Bug fixing: (only English language): In case of player input with the FIDE-ratinglist,
date of birth jjjj/00/00 are now valid. (01.01)
Changes 2005
- Installation codes changed from 9 to 12 characters. The old 9-character codes remain valid. (31.12)
- Menue-item: specials/Update ratings/data: Now possibility to update various fields from all ratinglists. (31.12)
- Search in ratinglist also for national Identnumber, FIDE-Number and part of names:
Enter search word in field "name or code":
Search for nat. Identnumber: Enter Innn.. + <ENTER> nnn.. Identnumber
Search for FIDE-Number: Enter Fnnn.. + <ENTER> nnn.. FIDE-Number
Search for part of names: Enter *nnn.. + <ENTER> nnn.. part of name. (31.12)
- HTML Files conformed to chess-results (31.12)
- Change of sorting of the starting rank list: Sorting according to GM, IM, WGM, FM, WIM, CM, WFM, WCM. (31.12)
- Revision of the Polish translation. Thanks to Dr. Andrzej Filipowicz. (6.12)
- Bug fixing: In the version (26.10) the test options were enabled. (3.11)
- Translation to polish (almost finished). Thanks to Ewa Szafraniec. (18.10/26.10/3.11)
- In the FIDE-Data Export file the team section was added (3.10)
- New Tie-break [46] for team tournaments: Points + match Wertung: Punkte + Matchpunkte (3/1/0) (3.10)
- Bug fixing: problems in manually paired team round-robin tournaments with more than 1 round
(first half of the season not synchronous with the second half of the season) (20.9)
- Bug fixing: In the tournament-dialog if tournament not paired, error message "Fehler bei Bereichsprüfung" (19.8.2005)
- For single round robin and Swiss system tournaments: New Tie-Break "points (game points) [1]" and "Matchpoints variable [44]". The Tie-Break "points" was (and will remain) automatically the 1st Tie-Break. If the Tie-Break "points" is now selected explicitly, sorting occurs in accordance with the precedence of the selected Tie-Breaks.
- The defaultfederation in the player input dialog depends now on the federation of the customer.
- For rated tournaments, the date must be entered for the individual rounds. (6.8.2005)
- Under preparation: New option "several federations" in the group "Rated" in the tournament dialog. If selected, you can enter
up to 4 different Identnumbers. The selection of the federations occurs in the sheet "other".
The corresponding Identnumber is used in the Rating administration file for AUT, SUI, GER, CZE, ESP.
- In the tournament dialog 2 new fields: Homepage and E-Mail. (12.7.2005)
- In the player-input dialog also FIDE title CM, WCM (candidat master) are admitted. (2.7.2005)
- For tie-break [5] (Manually input in field rankcorr. in player-dialog) in single round robin or Swiss-System tournaments
a parameter can be set: Sorting in accordance with field points, rankcorr or
rankcorr, points. (2.7.2005)
- On some lists the age can be printed.
Attention: The structure
of file sm_list.dat (Listdefinitions) was changed, it will created new at the first start. (5.6.2005)
- If required, the Italian Ratinglist can be imported. (,
Formato txt al...) (5.6.2005)
- In the field birthday only the year of birth can be entered. (5.6.2005)
- In the German ratinglist the umlauts (ä,ü...) are shown correctly. (5.6.2005)
- In rated tournaments, the chiefarbiter and the available time must be
entered. (5.6.2005)
- Bug fixing: During installation a runtime-error occured. (14.4)
- Bug fixing: The rules B2,B5,B6 were always annulled for players over 50% for
pairings of the last round. (9.4)
- Now the crosstables in round-robin tournaments are depending from the
selected round. (9.4)
- Now every tournament can be published without an external program with menu item in the Internet.
The up to now necessary database key will be automatically determined in the case of the first Upload. (29.3)
- Now in the PGN-dialog the games can be uploaded with button [Game-Upload to Wiener-Zeitung]. (29.3)
- New menue-item: specials/Rtg. Admin. file ESP. (27.3)
- Bug fixing: In the FIDE-title-confirmation list the fields "number of rated players not from host federation:" and
"number of players not from host federation holding GM, IM, WGM, WIM titles" were exchanged. (27.3)
- Bug fixing in the team list (list 1) (Only in Swiss-System tournaments with Team-Tie-Break) (24.3)
- Minor changes in file for the Austrian rating-administrator. (22.3)
- The English Handbook was updated (17.3)
- The German Handbook is no longer included in the installation file sm32.exe. (17.3)
- New menue-item: specials/FIDE-Data Export. exports the tournament export format decided during the FIDE congress in Calvia in 2004. (17.3)
- Bug fixing: If the first column in the text-file-export was blank, the column separator was not outputed. (17.3)
- Bug fixing: In some ranking lists, if two players had identical Tie-Breaks, the rank was not blank for the 2nd player. (17.3)
- Minor changes in the PGN-files-dialog. (8.3)
- Translation to Serbian, 1st test-version (thanks to Mr. Ivan Stambolic). (12.2)
- The Buchholz-Tie-Breaks [2],[3],[4],[17] can no more be selected. They were replaced by Tie-Break 37 (Buchholz Tie-Break (variabel with parameter)). (3.2)
- Tie-Breaks [10],[20] can no more be selected . They were replaced by Tie-Break 36 (rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameter)). (3.2)
Changes 2004
- Upgrading the Excel-Writing modules. (25.12)
- New menue-item: Rtg. admin. File CZE (25.12)
- If the 1. round is paired once again, (round 0 + Pairing) and all pairings are
canceled, all players entered (after pairing 1. round) are now automatically paired (Single
Swiss-System). (25.12)
- Import possibility of a (national) ratinglist on basis of an Excelfiles. A sample Excel-file is available on my Homepage under
Further information in sheet "help" in the sample-File. (06.12)
- Changing of the program develop environment from Delphi 5.0 to Delphi 7.0. (28.11)
- If the 1. round is paired once again, (round 0 + Pairing) and all pairings are canceled, all in the 1. round not paired players (or new entered players) are now ready to pair. (18.11) ==>
On 25.12.2004 again changed.
- In exclude Information list all round are displayed. (18.11)
- Minor changes due to the chess-olympiad in Calvia. (25.10/30.10/8.11)
- In the team-result input dialog the button [pairings] was partly invisible in rare cases. (2.10)
- In the Town-dialog (Menue Input/Town...) also the input of date and time per teampairing is possible. The new fields
date and time presently only shown in the Wiener-Zeitung. (26.9)
- Bug fixing: In manually paired round-robin tournaments with more than 1 round (not synchronous) the tables according "starting rank" and "Tie-Breaks" had a bug. (22.9)
- Translation to Czech, 1st version (thanks to Mr. Martin Smajzr).
- Under Windows NT, 2000, XP, the determination of the default browser only with Admin rights successful, now also with restricted rights (menu items Internet/Swiss-Manager Homepage,...)
- At the tournament-type "Swiss-System (with team-Tie-Break)" the team dialog was not shown. (2.9)
- Bug fixing in the ''set team...'' dialog for Team-Swiss-System-tournaments (round 0) (11.7)
- In single round robin tournaments with more than one run, you can set the pairings separatly for each run. (27.6)
- Changing of the KO-System (Is not implement completely) (24.6)
- In the case of the import of the GER-rating list, also the FIDE-Id and FIDE-rating will be imported. (26.5)
- New Menue-Item: (26.5)
- New Menue-Item: (10.5)
- New Checkbox in option-dialog:Seperate first name and surname with comma, only output Dr. academic title (10.5)
- The CZE-ratinglist can be imported from an Excel-File (5.5)
- New Pairing-system for round robin tournaments: Rutschsystem (I don''t know the english word) (5.4)
- New Pairing-system for team round robin tournaments (for two teams): Scheveninger System (5.4)
- Additional field "Chiefarbiter" in the tournament-dialog (5.4)
- New Tie-Break: Matchpoints (variabel) for team-tournaments [44] (5.4)
- New Tie-Break: Koya system for round robin tournaments [45] (5.4)
- Better Tie-Break handling in the tournament-dialog. (5.4)
- New Pairing-option for Swiss-Systems: Accelerated Parings. Before pairing of the first round,
all player are divided into groups (variabel, up to 12 groups) depending on the starting rank. Every group
gets "fictional points" (variabel) in descending order. Now the players are paired with the
standard Swiss-System. In the second round the real points and the "fictional points" are added
before pairing the second round. After the second round (variabel) the "fictional points" are deleted
and the following rounds are paired with the standard Swiss-System. (5.4)
- New Menue-Item: for Swiss-systems. Here you can explicit define forbidden pairings. (5.4)
- Swiss-System "Evaluation system" was deactivated (5.4)
- The half sign ½ (Default ASCII code 171) can adjust individually in the option dialog (list table) (24.02)
- The half sign ½ (Default ASCII code 171) can adjust individually in the option dialog (list table) (24.02)
- Changes of structure of the POR, ESP und LUX-ratinglist. They must be imported again. They can now also be imported from an excel-file (22.02)
- Changes of structure of the Slovenian ratinglist. (11.2)
- Translation to Turkish. (09.02)
- New Menue "Internet". Important Web-sites can be shown here. (26.01)
- New Tie-Break (Play-off Points [43]), can be entered in the player dialog. (11.01)
Changes 2003
- Special adaptation for handling the Kärntner (a part of Austria) mastership (15.12)
- 1. Version of the Turkish translation. (07.12)
- The French Translation is almost completed. (07.12)
- Fields "group" and "type" in the player input extended to 4
characters. (07.12)
- Small changes in the case of player information. (07.12)
- Importing possibility of the Swiss Rating-List and new menu-item: specials/Rtg. admin file SWZ. (1.12)
- The French Translation was updated (26.10)
- Changes for the World Youth Chess Championship in Greece specific for Mr. Stubenvoll. (25.10, 31.10)
- Bug-correction: The testing- and debug menu was activated for short time (15.10)
- Changes for the European Team Championship in Bulgaria specific for Mr. Stubenvoll. (13.10, 15.10, 19.10)
- Changes for the European Club Cup in Crete specific for Mr. Stubenvoll. (24.09, 26.09, 28.09, 03.10)